Pastoral Care

Dorset Humanists aims to be a caring community group. Some people struggle with loneliness, depression, isolation, low income, and other difficulties. Whilst we do not have the resources to solve all of these problems, there are some things we can do.

We can help to address loneliness through social contact and opportunities for friendship facilitated by our stimulating events programme which includes pub socials, walks, and our regular speaker events. We encourage our members to socialise and to welcome newcomers.

Sometimes, people need someone to talk to about a particular problem. Whilst we do not currently offer a fully-fledged counselling service, some of our members are qualified counsellors and can be contacted for a confidential chat.

We may be able to offer help with practical things like getting a lift to a meeting or sending a card to someone in hospital.

Please let us know how we can help.

Our pastoral team members are:

Cathy Silman ‒ former Secretary of Dorset Humanists and a Citizens’ Advice Bureaux advisor. Tel: 07817 695615

Susan Bryson ‒ former member of Dorset Humanists committee and an experienced therapeutic counsellor. Tel: 07980 276234

David Warden – Chairman of Dorset Humanists and a qualified therapeutic counsellor. Email: Mobile: 07910 886629

Why not join our pastoral team? If you have relevant skills, experience, or resources and would like to join or help our pastoral team please contact any one of us.


Non-religious pastoral care network

Faith to Faithless – a support network for people leaving or considering leaving their religion