From left: Jiri Muller (Czech Humanists), David Warden (Dorset Humanists), and Andrew Copson (CEO of Humanists UK and President of Humanists International). Photo taken at the World Humanist Congress in Copenhagen 2023.
From left: Jiri Muller (Czech Humanists), David Warden (Dorset Humanists), and Andrew Copson (CEO of Humanists UK and President of Humanists International). Photo taken at the World Humanist Congress in Copenhagen 2023.

Our partnerships and affiliations

We are a Partner of Humanists UK which is the national organisation giving a voice to humanists and non-religious people.

We are an affiliated group of the National Secular Society which has existed since 1866 to promote a secular society in which there is a separation between church and state.

We are an associate member of Humanists International which is the global umbrella organisation for humanist groups and societies.

We highly value these partnerships and affiliations, which connect us to the national and international humanist movement.

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Humanists UK


Humanists International

Dorset LGB&T Equality Network