David Warden BA (Hons), MA
David is Chairman of Dorset Humanists and Humanist Advisor to Bournemouth University and Arts University Bournemouth. David is an experienced speaker and he is happy to talk about humanism to any age group from primary to sixth form. He can visit alone or jointly with Dave Pegg from PACE (Programme for Applied Christian Education), or with the Many Faiths Together team.

Cathy Silman M.Ed
Cathy was deputy head of a large multicultural school in the Midlands and Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator. Cathy is now retired but still actively tutoring. She very much enjoys the opportunity to talk to very young children about the non-religious worldview of Humanism. Cathy has visited numerous school including Milborne St Andrew First School, Winton Primary, Verwood CE VA First School, and Pokesdown Primary.

Chris Street BSc (Hons) MBA MSc
Chris is a science tutor and former committee member of Dorset Humanists. He can present humanism at Key Stages 3, 4 & 5.

Barry Newman
Barry Newman is a retired intensive care consultant. Barry has been trained by Humanists UK to speak in schools and he is our representative on the Dorset SACRE (Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education).

Karen Preston BA (Hons) Med
Karen is a Specialist Senior Educational Psychologist and currently works for Bournemouth Borough Council. She has completed studies in Philosophy and Comparative Religions and she is keen to promote understanding of the humanist worldview and values in schools.

Terry Milton
Terry Milton QTS taught English and PE at a secondary school in Southampton before moving to Bournemouth where he taught English at Kings School of English. He eventually opened his own language school in Hove which he ran for a number of years before going into property management.